Coronavirus crisis or not, plenty of people are still starting a company right now. Motivated self-employed people are generally optimistic about the future, even if the timing is not perfect. As the popular adage says, “If you are good at what you do, there are always opportunities.” It is key to understand how you can make the best of this crisis as an entrepreneur before starting a company.

Businesses come and go. That’s how the economy works. Even in times of crisis. Companies that already had a service, which has now become popular, are “lucky”. Think of online web shops or providers of meeting software such as Zoom. In short: if you happen to be in the right place, at the right time, the demand potentially increases infinitely, and you can achieve wonderful results thanks to the crisis. Read on to learn if starting a company in the current economic crisis is a smart idea – or even possible.

Opportunities For Starting A Company

Self-employed people tend to become more flexible than large companies. For example, wine tastings are being held via Skype and their revenues skyrocket as customers are attracted who otherwise found it difficult to go to a wine tasting. So online business offers more opportunities than before the crisis. This might be because people were unfamiliar with the tools available online. Before the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis, people intended to think and act “locally”. Now, during the pandemic, people mastered Zoom, Microsoft Teams & Skype and suddenly nothing stands in the way of making business more profitable.

Due to the crisis, companies become hybrid and their services are being provisioned both online and offline. It’s not because they have to, but because they see the opportunity and make use of it in their advantage which results in an increase in scalability. The crisis changes companies and it is expected that online will become the new standard.


Starting a new business is not for everyone. It seems so simple but creating a good company just costs money. You have to do it professionally, because if it is not done correctly, it will not be profitable. Opportunism leads to concepts that fall over once the crisis is over. It is advisable to only build solid companies that last and add value in the long term. If you have enough money as an entrepreneur and understand exactly how to get a new service or a new product off the ground, you now have gold in your hands. A good example of this is a company which provides companies with professional background fabrics so that employees can participate in online conference calls with a professional look, with or without a company logo.

The crisis challenges entrepreneurs to be creative, to come up with new solutions to deliver value. The goal is to survive or perhaps even take advantage of the circumstances. Companies invent products and services or adjust the way they do business. If they hold on to that creativity, they can go a long way, even in times of crisis.


Entrepreneurs will not only start being creative, but they also start focusing on what really matters for their business to stay alive. Companies become lean because they have to cut away all unnecessary employees and costs. Their effectiveness simply increases. Appointments appear to take less time and companies are forced to go back to the essence of their business and let go of anything that can be considered as ballast. Their focus has grown.

In short, in times of crisis people suddenly see opportunities that they did not see before. Online opportunities are unfolding where people thought it was not possible before. If entrepreneurs play this smartly, they can gain momentum with their company. They have gold in their hands if they don’t lose their ideals and pleasure and if their new way of working still works after the crisis.